The annotation color for every subtype RCC

a. KICH in purple color.

b. KIRP in red color.

c. KIRC in yellow color.

d. KIRCP (means one sample have KIRC and KIRP two subtypes tumor).

e. Special means Exclude above subtype from a-d with blue color.

The annotation file for every subtype RCC

This annotation file is generated by the Aperio ImageScope software, and the overall format is an XML tree structure. This document is divided into three sections: the overall outline of the tumor (tALL), the typical area of the tumor (tumor), and the normal area adjacent to the cancer (normal). We split the file in three single XML file and made it available for users to download directly in our database.

Download for RCC annotation XML file:

  KICH segmentation  KIRC segmentation  KIRP segmentation 

Extend Link:
Name Link #Renal cancer Download
PAI-WSIT www.paiwsit.com 69 (WSI) FALSE
Virtual Pathology Slide Library www.virtualpathology.leeds.ac.uk/slides/ 11 (WSI) TRUE
Bio-Atlas bio-atlas.psu.edu/human/index.php 11 (WSI) FALSE
Juan Rosai's Collection of Surgical Pathology Seminars www.rosaicollection.org/index.cfm 71 (WSI) TRUE
WebPathology www.webpathology.com/category.asp?category=3 162 (Patches) TRUE